mercredi 21 mai 2014


# In my last semester, and in partnership with GREEN GT staff based in Switzerland, I had the opportunity to provide a vision of Motorsport for the year 2015.
The project was a team work shared between Designers and Digital Modelers. My goals in this job  was to team leading, to provide the vision, and to manage the communication between the different actors of the project ( Industrial/ Pedagogical team).

#The Goals of the project  is to provide a vision of motorsport  in agreement with constraints and  current values  of citizenship ,and try  to  keep the enthusiasm of the public, media and sponsors,  By creating a racing car 100% CLEAN for le MANS 2015,  with an Hydrogen Engine Motorisation for the near future. This project is also a support of communication to the manufacturer GREEN GT. 

 "the race of LE MANS is governed by SHOW and PERFORMANCES, where the pilots are in an endurance's competition restricted by Forms and Categories."

#The DESIGN BRIEF done by the analysis is composed by 3 points:

_The first was to propose an INNOVATIV ARCHITECTURE taking fully advantage of technical solutions, 
energy, and environmental by Green GT,  while incorporating the best solutions for security accessibility, 
endurance, and distribution of mass.

_The second was to propose a ECO SPORTIF DESIGN LANGUAGE to help the public to project themselves 
into a race car in line with the current civic values.

_To provide a SUPPORT OF COMMUNICATION to the manufacturer GREEN GT, in order to help the audience to 
project into a future world of ecolo race car..






# During the braking time, the pilote have two possibility to brake the GREEN GT,by  the «normal» brake actionned by the pedal. Or by an AEROBRAKE system actionned behind the steering wheel, and whiches shows the driving strategy to the public


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